Being a member of The Services Union provides me with peace of mind knowing I will always have industrial support if I have an issue at work & giving me access to a wide range of member benefits that save me money."
Jen - ASU Member - Rail Industry  



Townsville City Council - Parking fee increase survey

Well, you’ve really got to hand it to Townsville City Council, if there’s a way to kick employees in the teeth you can guarantee TCC will find it. 25/07/2024


Take action for local government jobs

Have you noticed staff shortages or more insecure work at your Council? You're not alone. 25/07/2024


Union delivers consultation around station rostering

TSU met with QR last week to discuss changes proposed in Stations because of the Government’s 50-cent fare initiative which commences on 5 August 2024. Read more about it here. 25/07/2024