The Services Union is a democratic union run by our members, for members. Our members set the direction for our Union and they participate in decision making, policy and strategic direction. We ensure transparency.

Please find our Union’s Rules here.

The Services Union is overseen by our Branch Council, which is directly elected by members. Their role is to set our strategic objectives. The decisions made at the Branch Council are formed into strategic industry objectives and operational plans which are then adopted by the Branch Executive to guide the work of our Union for the next 12 months to two years.  Our operations at an industry level are guided by Industry Divisions. These are Local Authorities and Brisbane City Council, Energy, Transport and Northern Administrative and Social and Community Services. Each industry component is represented on the Branch Executive via a Branch Vice-President and on Branch Council via a Branch Councillor. Diversity Branch Councillors include: First Nations, Women, Pride, Youth and Disability.

Our Branch Executive Committee is made up of members who hold the positions of the Branch President, Deputy President, a Vice-President representing each Industry Division, a Vice-President (Diversity), and  Branch Treasurer, and two paid officers – the Branch Secretary and the Branch Executive President They take advice from our Industry Division Committees and implement our strategies. Workplace Delegates are members who are passionate about ensuring the working rights and conditions are sustained and enhanced in their workplaces and for their industries.

The Branch Executive is assisted in running our Union by two elected and paid officials, Secretary Neil Henderson, who oversees the running of our Union, and Executive President Jennifer Thomas, who is charge of our Union’s operations.

Secretary Neil Henderson

Neil Henderson has been a member of the Australian Services Union (ASU) for over 30 years. He has worked as an industrial officer for over 30 years, including over 20 years in senior positions in the ASU National Office, the Victorian Services and Authorities Branch and now The Services Union.

Neil has appeared as an advocate in Federal Industrial Tribunals and Courts and in most State Industrial Tribunals. He is a practising lawyer and accredited as a specialist in Workplace Relations law by the Law Institute of Victoria and the Queensland Law Society (QLS). Neil is also a member of the Specialisation Board of the QLS.

On commencement with The Services Union, Neil’s main responsibility was to manage the Union’s industrial representation of members. There are too many highlights to mention but the thrill of delivering great outcomes for Union members never diminishes.

Becoming Acting Assistant Secretary in June 2013 and then acting Secretary at the end of 2013, Neil was appointed to the position of Secretary by the Branch Executive in April 2014 and elected to the position in early 2015.

Neil believes that having access to knowledgeable and effective representation is what members want and is one of the most important benefits membership of our Union can provide.

Executive President - Jennifer Thomas

Jennifer Thomas is the Executive President of the Australian Municipal, Administrative, Clerical and Services Union Queensland (Services and Northern Administrative) Branch and the Queensland Services, Industrial Union of Employees (The Services Union). With over 20 years in the Union Movement, she oversees the union’s overall function, including campaigning, membership, and industrial relations activities.

Jennifer’s expertise spans operational and board strategy, industrial relations, and people and culture. Her extensive experience includes roles as National Vice President of the Australian Services Union, Vice President of the QLD Council of Unions, Director of Brighter Super, and Director of the Jobs Queensland Board.

As an accomplished industrial relations and workforce professional, Jennifer excels in advocacy and negotiating labour management relations. She is passionate about innovative responses to workforce and industrial relations challenges.

Her Board Director experience is across Superannuation and Government entities with significant understanding of Board Governance, People and Culture, Investment, Audit, Risk and Compliance.  Jennifer has been a vocal advocate for better retirement outcomes and closing the superannuation gender gap. She holds a Bachelor of Commerce and several postgraduate qualifications in governance and superannuation.

Jennifer has been pivotal in the following industrial campaigns: Portable Long Service Leave for the Queensland Community and Disability Sector, Equal Pay for Community and Social Workers; We Won’t Wait, Stand Up for Super and Get Super Working for Women, Queensland Assets Not for Sale; Sustainable Councils for our Local Government Members; Investing in Quality Community Services; A Just Transition; 27 Ways and Growing; and Make the NDIS The Best it Can Be. Additionally, Jennifer has been instrumental in many local enterprise-bargaining campaigns across Queensland.


Deputy Secretary - Rebecca Girard

Both the Secretary and Executive President are assisted by the Deputy Secretary, Rebecca Girard.

Rebecca  is the Industrial Coordinator at the Australian Municipal, Administrative, Clerical and Services Union Queensland (Services and Northern Administrative) Branch and the Queensland Services, Industrial Union of Employees (The Services Union).  She has worked with the Union since 2005 and leads a team of experienced Industrial Officers at The Services Union who represent members from an array of Industries across Queensland.

Rebecca has extensive experience in delivering member services and exceptional outcomes for members. She has implemented significant changes to the delivery of member services at the Union, working to identify quality customer service improvements as well as increasing the industrial capacity within the Union.

She brings with her a wealth of knowledge about the Local Government, Social and Community Services, Energy and Rail Industries having been responsible for the Union’s industrial strategy since 2016.

Rebecca is also a Director on the Boards of CareSuper and the Community Services Industry (Portable Long Service Leave) Authority.


Together, union members win. 

Throughout our history, and across the various industries we represent, Australian Services Union members have won better wages, conditions, and created safer, more dignified workplaces. We're on your side. And we're stronger together. Pictured above is the historic 2012 Equal Pay case the ASU won. 

“I'm proud to be a member of the ASU - a union with a long history of creating positive change for Australian workers.”
Ariana - ASU Member - Local Govt.

27 Ways and Growing Campaign

The 27 Ways and Growing Campaign was launched by The Services Union in 2013 to highlight the achievements of the union movement. 31/03/2022