The 27 Ways and Growing Campaign was launched by The Services Union in 2013 to highlight the achievements of the union movement.

Through our initiative we aim to remind everyone of how much working people, through collaboration and action, have contributed to what Australia is today.

Through our actions we also seek to inspire the next generation of worker activists and to connect their story to ours.

Many of us enjoy the benefits of living in a modern, democratic society.

The general well-being that we enjoy has grown through the continuing, concerted efforts of workers.  From you and those that have gone before you.  With those that have supported you.

The fight for freedom, respect, equality and dignity – for a better Australia - is at the heart of what workers, through their unions, do everyday. We are a movement of people, in a great cause for progressive social change.

The Services Union strives to provide excellent representation to our individual members when they need it,  but this has never been the totality of our work.  Fighting for individual rights does not build a community or sustain a democracy.  To enjoy the benefits of individual rights we need to keep working to ensure that everyone can enjoy these rights too.   We work not just on behalf of ourselves but also on behalf of our community.

Together, through the efforts of workers and their unions we have made a difference.  We have made this a better, fairer, more respectful and more decent place to live.  Let’s reflect on what has been achieved so far by workers working together

Public holidays
Annual leave
Carer’s leave
Sick leave
Compensation for injured workers
Parental leave
Redundancy pay
Regulation of hours of work
Overtime pay
Regular wage increases
Weekends …

These are just a few.  We firstly identified 27 ways that by working together we have made a difference. We want to work with our members to establish the next 27. Already we have won paid Natural Disaster Leave (28th Way) and paid Domestic and Family Leave (29th Way - We Wont Wait Campaign) for many of our members and we continue to ensure our members have robust Mental Health and Wellbeing policies in their workplaces (30th Way).

Watch how Dave starts to understand how unions have improved his lifestyle.

We are by your side at Services Connect on (07) 3844 5300. Join today.

The Australian Services Union campaigns on the big issues that affect the lives of millions of people. I am a proud member of my union."
Lucas - ASU Member - Energy Industry  

Union members win in Government Owned Corporations

In a historic victory for members of The Services Union, the Miles Labor Government has expanded its nation-leading reproductive health leave entitlements to include all Government-Owned Corporations. This groundbreaking reform ensures that workers w 26/07/2024


Townsville City Council - Parking fee increase survey

Well, you’ve really got to hand it to Townsville City Council, if there’s a way to kick employees in the teeth you can guarantee TCC will find it. 25/07/2024


Take action for local government jobs

Have you noticed staff shortages or more insecure work at your Council? You're not alone. 25/07/2024