Union pursues better outcome at Mackay Regional Council

The Services Union met with Mackay Regional Council today to progress negotiations for your new Certified Agreement (CA).

Our Union advised the Council that members had rejected the proposal to transition to fortnightly pay and would need further justification to reconsider our position.

We told the Council our members were not opposed to a two-year agreement, but would need assurance of a pay increase at or beyond the expiry of the CA. We also rejected the Council’s pay offer and reiterated that we sought a higher increase to address the erosion of wages over the last three years.

Council’s response was terse but all parties recognise that this is the nature of CA negotiations and remain committed to working together in good faith to achieve appropriate outcomes for our stakeholders.

The Council tabled several draft clauses for consideration prior to the next meeting.

Please direct questions to your workplace delegates: Kate Cotter (Gordon Street/Sarina), Kendel Russo, (Gordon Street), Anna Kahler, Vicki Booth (Jubilee Centre), Duncan Ross (Wellington Street), Aaron Ward (Paget Depot), Kath Evans (Gordon White Library), Shannon DeSilva (Dudley Denny Library), and Sharon Stephen (Mirani Depot).

Our Union’s campaign for the pay and conditions you deserve is well and truly under way. If you work with someone who is not yet a member, encourage them to join our campaign today.

Above: ASU is the union fighting for members at Mackay Regional Council