Fraser Coast Regional Council bargaining bulletin

Yesterday, we had a further conference with Commissioner Caddie of the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission (‘QIRC’). It became apparent very quickly that members had let your CEO know exactly what they thought about the Council putting the $1,200 ‘one off payment’ at risk! Your CEO was quick to explain the pressure that the workers had put him under since Friday of last week.

It shows you what can be achieved when members stick together and act collectively!

Today we confirmed with the Council that we have reached in principle agreement in relation to the Council’s wages offer.

The Council has made progress with the ETU and AMWU claim for an attraction and retention allowance, however it has yet to be finalised.

Next steps

The CEO has confirmed the $1,200 will be paid in the next pay.

Subject to the finalisation of the attraction and retention allowance, our union will review the draft wording for the proposed agreement which we must approve before the replacement agreement can go out for a staff ballot.

Your workplace delegates, Mark Hinds and Bryant King have been brilliant representing members throughout what has been a nuanced negotiation.

If you have a colleague who cares about the $1,200 and other conditions in the replacement agreement, but who is not a member, please send them the following link and ask them to JOIN.

The latest bargaining update for Fraser Coast Regional Council members.