Urban Utilities Members maintain (water) pressure!

Congratulations to all members of The Services Union who have participated in this week’s protected industrial action at Urban Utilities Scientific Analytical Services on Monday, yesterday and today!

By standing together and showing determination, you’ve sent a clear message to Urban Utilities that the sub-standard Enterprise Agreement on offer is just not going to cut it. What is required is an Agreement that delivers pay increases appropriate to the current economic circumstances, and conditions similar to those enjoyed by your industry colleagues, including proper consultation, career progression and a guaranteed Rostered Day Off.

Our Union has notified Urban Utilities of 24-hour stoppages for the rest of this week, and more four-hour stoppages for Monday next week. As always, we’ll be in touch via the Strike Committee to discuss what these notifications mean for your work group. We welcome the new members who have joined in the last few weeks to help achieve the outcome you deserve. If you work with someone who is still not a member and wants to contribute, joining is easy and confidential online