St Vincent De Paul Members Make Their Claim!

Your Services Union (TSU) representatives have met with SVdP management to commence negotiations for the new St Vincent de Paul Society Enterprise Agreement.

To date, we have achieved and discussed the following:

  • All bargaining representatives including our Union agreed to provide a Log of Claims prior to 23 September 2022 for consideration.
  • A total of 72 claims were advanced by bargaining representatives, with 18 of these claims from our Union and endorsed from our membership.
  • SVdP management tabled their claims less than two hours before the first meeting kicked off on 19 October 2022.
  • SVdP informed our Union that they have taken our claims to their Executive for consideration without being informed of the context behind our claims and why these claims are important to our members.
  • SVdP have rejected the majority of our claims, based on assumption without understanding the reasoning behind them, however our Union demanded to be heard and spent the majority of the first negotiation meeting explaining to SVdP why these claims are important to our members.
Our Union will ensure that SVdP consider our claims and we expect to have a response provided to use by the next meeting on 26 October 2022.

Our Claims and SVdP Responses

Please find attached our Union’s Log of Claims: Log of Claims - TSU SVdP


Our next negotiation meeting is scheduled for 26 October 2022 with the intent of discussing our claims further. We hope that SVdP genuinely consider our claims and that there is movement on their response.  

What do members need to do?

Please ensure that you keep yourself up to date with negotiations as they progress. We will communicate with you after each meeting.

It is important that we receive feedback from our members during this process so that we can raise how our membership feel about SVdP’s responses to members claims. We expect the most contentious claims where we will encounter resistance is:

1. Pay increase

2. Flexible working arrangements

3. A review of the classification structure
We welcome your feedback on this and all feedback you provide is confidential.

Why is a pay increase important to you?

Why is an RDO, the ability to work-from-home or accrue TOIL important to you? Do you have examples of how this can work within your workplace?

Do you think you are classified fairly and that your classification aligns with the work that you perform? 


In the meantime, if you have any questions or feedback, please contact our Union on the details below:  

             Imogen Smith - Organiser mailto:[email protected] or 0419 679 479

             Merinda Foster Senior Industrial Officer - mailto:[email protected] or 07 3010 4476

             Shayne Silvers Delegate - mailto:[email protected]

             Eliza Schulte Delegate - mailto:[email protected]


Above: The Services Union is the Union fighting for workers at St Vincent de Paul.