Powerlink EBA negotiation update

The Services Union, along with the other relevant unions, resumed Enterprise Agreement negotiations with Powerlink yesterday on 21 September 2023.

During what could be described as a slow day of negotiations, the unions attempted to have meaningful discussions about the logs of claims but were unable to make significant progress on any of the claims put forward as Powerlink did not have a representative in attendance who had the authority to make decisions.

Whilst we appreciate the significant efforts that have been made by Powerlink’s industrial relations team, we made it clear to the business that we required a representative with decision making authority in attendance at future bargaining meetings. After advising the business of our position, the unions used the remaining time allocated for bargaining to formulate a combined log of claims on key matters, whereby the most robust claims from each union prevailed.

The newly established combined log will be finalised and presented to the business soon, and we expect to get some answers to those key claims shortly after. The Services Union is by your side to deliver you the successful Enterprise Agreement outcome that you deserve, and will be back at the negotiation table with Powerlink on 28 September 2023.

The difference between a mediocre outcome and improving your conditions in a meaningful way is a highly unionised workforce, so if you work with someone who is not a union member, forward them this email so they can join here .

Above: TSU attends meeting at Powerlink for a Bargaining Update