Members increase options at Sunshine Coast 

As your ally in the workplace at Sunshine Coast Council, The Services Union knows that the best bargaining results happen with maximum member participation. Following the Council’s latest undercooked pay offer, you and your fellow members voted strongly in support of Protected Industrial Action (PIA). Our Union has now received authorisation from the Industrial Registry to start taking action.

Of course, our Union remains open to further pay discussions with the Council at the bargaining table or in the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission (QIRC) now that the Council has applied for the QIRC’s assistance.

Your strong vote supporting PIA means our Union has additional tools at our disposal if discussions do not yield an improved offer. In that case, the best results will again be achieved with maximum member participation in planning as well as in delivery. If you are interested in representing your work group on our Union’s Strike Committee to decide on where and when action should be taken, please contact your Workplace Delegates:

  • Chris Mehonoshen
  • Davina Allanson
  • Jenelle Harrap
  • Michael Locke
The bargaining process is rarely simple, particularly in the current economic climate. Our Union knows from experience that getting it done means getting involved. If you work with someone who is not yet a member and wants a better deal, joining is easy online .