Huge member win The Right to Disconnect 

This is a huge step forward for airline workers in our campaign for fair rosters. No more should airlines workers have to check your phones or emails at all hours for changing or unpredictable shifts. This win is all about getting your work-life balance back on track.

Don’t forget to share news about this win with your colleagues!

Here’s what ASU members have achieved:

  • Clear boundaries for work hours, meaning you can’t be contacted after your working day is done.

  • The freedom to ignore work calls and emails on your time off, without worrying about repercussions from your employer.

  • Be safeguarded from the pressure to be constantly connected or available, so you can truly relax when you are off duty.

This win is huge, and it’s not just for airlines workers. We’ve won it for everyone. And it’s all thanks to us sticking together. We've shown that airline workers deserve downtime, hobbies, and quality moments with family and friends, free from the grip of work.

But we won’t stop here. We're pushing for predictable and stable rosters and clear off-work boundaries for airline workers, aiming to end unpaid overtime and ensure work-life balance.

Let's pat ourselves on the back. This victory is ours, and it's a big step towards fairer conditions and a better work-life balance for all.