Final DEBBs Update for 2022!

I hope that you have all availed yourselves of one of our Services Union Roadshow briefings which I have held across the state (in-person or via WebEx) in the last few months. It has been good to get out and interact with the members at the coal face. If you were not able to make it, make sure you attend the next round of meetings starting in late February 2023!

It was great to see the levels of new recruitment to the Union in the last few months! If you know a new member in your work area, make them feel welcome and invite them along to a meeting next year!

As we move closer to the Digital Enterprise Building Blocks (‘DEBBs’) Major Release, which is set for towards the end of July 2023, things will now start to slow down for the normal Christmas period and people are on leave.  Please make sure that we all lookout for each other (both mentally and physically) as there seems to be an added push to get things done before the Christmas period.  If anyone feels unrealistically pressured to get something done, please talk to me or another TSU Workplace Delegate, as we are there to support you and you don’t have to face it alone. 

The Services Union is always by your side.

For Payroll Timesheets, they hope to finalise all the functional testing this side of Christmas so next year they can recommence the parallel pay run testing.

There is still a lot happening in the Unified Graphical Information System (‘UGIS’) project with AUD and Lines Design being on the forefront of a great deal of discussion.  It is looking increasingly likely that there will be a move to a hybrid process with both the old tool set and the new tool set both being used in the new ‘temporary’ process.  This is being made necessary to fix productivity problems which need to be rectified quickly.

Asset Works Management (‘AWM’) is still a major concern, as we have at this time still been unable to see a complete end to end process demonstrated. We have seen parts, and been told how things would work but that is very different to seeing a full end to end run through.

With the Major Release going ahead with Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (‘SCADA’) disabled, the new SCADA project is another area of major concern with current delivery expectations being 2024.  This is far too long to wait for such an integral part of control and monitoring of our electricity network.  This is a major topic of conversation between us and the Project/Business.

Within the Unified Distribution Management System (‘UDMS’), Mobile Switching and Peek seem to have rolled out quite smoothly (with a few hiccups, which is to be expected).  The roll out of training has now basically been completed successfully and the DEBBs and Business staff should be congratulated for work which has occurred in this area.

Attention is now turning on to the reporting which will be available from the new systems. A number of meetings between us and Amanda Griffin, who is leading this area, are being arranged.  This also includes the methods of accessing existing legacy data (historical) which is still needed by the field staff and engineers which is not coming into the new systems.

In 2022, your participation and engagement has been crucial to us being able to influence these projects positively. Attending our member meetings is a big part of that. We look forward to our members continuing to provide us with feedback about the Project in 2023! Our involvement on the DEBBs Project is all about getting better outcomes for our members, who are the end users!

With the festive season now being on us, on behalf of all the Energy Queensland TSU Workplace Delegates and the TSU employees, I would like to wish all our members a wonderful break which you will hopefully have an opportunity to share with family and friends! 

Please remember to stay safe, especially if you are traveling.

We look forward to seeing you all next year, well rested and revived to face what should be a very interesting and exciting 2023!


Above: Senior Delegate Jorge Salles and EQL members of TSU.