Apple folds like a MacBook - We stopped Apple’s unfair ballot  

Union Members Win!

On Monday, Apple management broke off negotiations and rushed to an employee vote for a new National Enterprise Agreement (NEA) ASU members took action. We came together in the hundreds to oppose Apple’s unfair ballot.

Apple’s NEA was a half-finished draft that doesn’t meet minimum industry standards or our expectations for a fair and reasonable agreement.

We took Apple to the Commission and forced them to back down. Apple has agreed to pause the ballot for 21 days.

Read our bulletin for more detail.

This will give us continue negotiating for fair and reasonable changes to the NEA including:

  • Guaranteed pay increases.
  • Fair rostering for work/life balance.
  • Classifications that reflect the actual work that we do.
  • Overtime and penalty rates to reward us for working long hours on nights, weekends and public holidays.


How can we get a better deal from Apple?

Together, we are stronger. The more of us who are in union, the more we are united and can fight for the NEA we deserve.  We’ve show the power of collective action today.

We need you to ask your colleagues to join the ASU. Speak to five people today, tell them why you joined the ASU and ask them to do the same.

You can join the ASU here:





Above: Union win - Apple folds like a MacBook!