We are pleased to say that 93.15% of employees who voted were in favour of EBA 12.

Qantas will now need to apply to the Fair Work Commission to have EBA 12 approved. Pending the Fair Work Commission process, employees will start to receive a number of benefits from the new EA. Including:

1.       Backpay

2.       Improved rostering

3.       Improved job security

4.       Improved parental leave, and

5.       Improved rights around Flexible Working Arrangements, to name a few

On top of the improved conditions, the 2022 Recovery Boost Payment ($5,000 for all employees) and the FY18 Record Result Bonus ($2,000 for full-time employees and $1,500 for part-time employees) will be paid.  

A job well done to all involved in the campaign. We look forward to working with you on enforcing your new working conditions and ensuring the Airline is accountable to its commitments. 

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